Are you aware of the contents of your products?

This post is a little different from the regular beauty and fashion posts , as it addresses the constituents of the various cosmetic products that we use. Being an undergraduate in Biotechnology , I have studied a lot about various chemicals that are used in our day-to-day products and how good or bad they are for us. Which is what lead me to writing this. So for this post the biotechnologist in me is going to take over the blogger-me!

The reason why the whole world is going crazy about everything organic is because many of the chemicals used in various products can seriously harm ones health. Even if these chemicals are present only in minute quantities, exposure to these chemicals over a prolonged period of time can lead to their accumulation in our bodies. I will not be talking about any one chemical in particular as that would be narrow down our topic , but I will mention a few.

One chemical that is widely used is Paraben , it is present in various forms such as methyl paraben, ethyl paraben , propyl paraben. It is a preservative which is used in many cosmetic products. Methyl paraben when applied on the skin can react with UVB rays and lead to skin aging and DNA damage. There are various rumours that parabens can lead to cancer although it has not been proven. According to me if anything is even doubted to be carcinogenic , it is better to avoid it at best. Next up is phenoxyethanol which is also used as preservative . It is a potential allergen. Looking at all these consequences makes me wonder if the creams and cosmetics are even worth it, huh?

Moving on lets talk about Alcohol which is an ingredient widely used in the cosmetic industry. Alcohols are used to make the cream lighter by helping with its consistency , they also help the other components mix well with each other and they also act as a preservative. Uptil here it sounds all OK but there is a downside to alcohol. Alcohol in your skin care can lead to a decline in your skin’s protective barrier , which means your skin can no longer keep the moisture in , which can in turn lead to disastrous skin damage. And come on , nobody wants that! The ingredients mentioned above are not the only ones that we should be concerned about , there are a lot more, some of which I know but not enough to talk about and some which even I don’t know about. I am no expert and these are just some proven facts and how I feel about the contents of products that I use.

Lastly , I think that when we put in so much thought about what we eat , what kinda clothes wear and what kinda phone we carry , we should also be concerned about what kind of products we use. I know there are a lot of products that say ‘paraben-free’ , don’t just go and buy them, read what ingredients are present in it and do your research about what is best for you. So my lovelies be aware about what your products contain because at the end of the day it is all about looking healthy and being healthy.


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